Marriage Companion - Introduction

Marriage Companion


Who Should Use Marriage Companion

How to use Marriage Companion

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Marriage Companion is intended for couples at every age and stage of marriage, and at different levels of knowledge.

If you have already studied taharat hamishpacha in depth, this course gives you a comprehensive framework for systematic review. We hope that it will refresh your understanding of the halachot, and that you will discover new details and nuances and make new connections.

If your initial study of taharat hamishpacha was more basic, you will probably find a great deal of new halachic information in this course. We hope that you will feel comfortable approaching us, or your local rabbi or kallah teacher, to discuss any questions that arise.

If you are new to observance, we congratulate you on your decision to explore this central aspect of Jewish marriage. Please be aware that this course is designed primarily for couples who have some basic prior education and experience, and may seem overwhelming and complex to beginners. We suggest that you start by contacting a rabbi, rabbi's wife, kallah teacher, or yoetzet halacha in your community, with whom you can sit down face-to-face and learn the basic concepts and halachot.

Please feel free contact us and we will try to help you find a teacher or, if none is available in your area, to give you personalized online guidance. Once you have integrated the practice of mikveh into your marriage, and are ready to deepen and broaden your knowledge, we hope you will find Marriage Companion helpful.

If you are engaged to be married, we suggest that you begin with Kallah Companion, our online course for kallot.

Review is valuable at every stage of your marriage. You may find this course particularly helpful:

  • If you have been married a year or two, and want to review the laws now that you are more experienced.
  • If you are beginning to menstruate again after a long break during pregnancy and nursing.
  • If you are experiencing changes in your body and menstrual patterns - as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, birth control, gynecological conditions and treatments, fertility treatments, or perimenopause.
  • If you have strengthened your halachic observance in the years since you first learned about taharat hamishpacha.

If you speak Spanish, you may want to try our free course Taharat Hamishpajá, a translation of the English Kallah Companion.

If you speak French, you may want to try our free course Taharat Hamichpakha, a translation of the English Kallah Companion.

Reproduction of the contents of this course for other than personal use
is prohibited by both Jewish and secular law.

Copyright © 2008 Deena Zimmerman and Ilana Sober Elzufon. All rights reserved.

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